Minggu, 13 Januari 2013


Ucapan salam biasa digunakan untuk menyapa orang lain. Ungkapan perkenalan biasa digunakan untuk memperkenalkan diri atau menanyakan identitas orang lain.

Salam (Greetings)
Biasanya setelah mengucapkan salam, diiringi dengan menanyakan kabar orang yang disapa. Di bawah ini beberapa ungkapan salam yang biasa digunakan serta ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menanyakan/menjawab kondisi seseorang.

  • Selamat Pagi Good Morning
  • Selamat Siang Good Afternoon
  • Selamat Malam Good Evening
  • Selamat Malam/Selamat Tinggal/Selamat Tidur Good Night
  • Selamat Tinggal Good Bye
  • Sampai Jumpa See you
  • Halo atau Hai Hello atau Hi
  • Apa kabar? How are you?
  • Baik-baik saja I'm fine. Thank you. atau Good
  • Apakah kamu baik-baik saja? Are you all right? atau Are you OK?
  • Saya sedang sakit I'm feeling sick atau I feel sick
  • Saya sedang pusing I'm having a headache
  • Saya sedang flu I'm having a flu/influenza
  • Saya demam I'm having a cold
  • Saya merasa tidak enak badan I am not feeling well
  • Yah, begitulah atau Biasa-biasa saja Not bad

Perkenalan Diri (Introduction)
Berikut adalah ungkapan-ungkapan yang biasa digunakan untuk bertanya tentang identitas seseorang/memperkenalkan diri
  • 1. Siapa nama Anda? (What's your name?)
  • 2. Nama saya ... (My name is ...)
  • 3. Saya siswa kelas 2 (I am a second year student)
  • 4. Saya guru matematika (I am a mathematics teacher)
  • 5. Dari mana asal Anda? (Where do you come from?)
  • 6. Saya berasal dari (I come from ...)
  • 7. Di mana Anda tinggal? (Where do you live/stay?)
  • 8. Saya tinggal di ... (I live/stay in ...)

Latihan (Exercise)
Cobalah berlatih pada situasi-situasi berikut.
  • 1. Perkenalkan diri Anda pada teman Anda, abang, adik, atau guru. Sebutkan nama Anda, dari mana asal Anda, kelas berapa, dan tinggal di mana.
  • 2. Anda berperan sebagai guru bahasa Indonesia. Peragakan perkenalan di hadapan siswa-siswa.
  • 3. Sapa teman Anda dengan bahasa Inggris.
  •  Role Play dengan Imaginative personality

Cara berpraktek:
1. Buat kelompok minimal beranggotakan 3 orang, kemudian masing-masing dengan membuat identitas diri baru mulai dari nama sampai dengan data pribadi yang biasa digunakan dalam perkenalan. Untuk memeriahkan suasana, gunakan data yang unik. Data tersebut tuliskan dalam kartu sebesar kartu bridge. Tambahi gambar penunjang bila perlu.
2. Mulailah saling memperkenalkan diri dengan identitas baru tersebut. (Memperkenalkan diri)
3. Setelah semua saling memperkenalkan diri, buat identitas baru lagi. Serahkan identitas baru kedua tersebut kepada teman di selah kanan anda, sehingga terjadi saling tukar indentitas baru kedua.
4. Kenalkan teman dengan indentitas baru kedua kepada teman lain. (Memperkenalkan orang lain)

Contoh Lain
  • I want to introduce my self……….!!!
  • My name is Alan maulana [ nama ]
  • My family call me Alan [ nama panggilana ]
  • I came from Masohi [ asal ]
  • I live at Batas Kota [ tempat tinggal ]
  • I am fourti years old, and [ usia ]
  • I am hundred fourty cm tall [ tinggi badan ]
  • My mother's name is SELVI ISAAZ [ nama ibu ]
  • My father's name is HERAD DEMON [ nama ayah ]
  • My hobby is a soccer and play station 2 [ hobi ]

ungkapan ketika akan memperkenalkan diri :
  • * Nice to meet you; I'm ...
  • * Pleased to meet you; I'm ...
  • * L&et me introduce myself; I'm ...
  • * I'd like to introduce myself; I'm ...

ungkapan ketikan akan mengenalkan seseoarang :
  • * I'd like you to meet Liza.
  • * I'd like to introduce you to Betty.
  • * Leila, this is Barbara. Barbara this is Leila.

ungkapan setelah perkenalan :
  • * Nice to meet you.
  • * Pleased to meet you.
  • * Happy to meet you.

Contoh perkenalan diri dengan bahasa inggris
  • Hi mam, hello my friends, good morning
  • I want to introduce my self……….!!!
  • My name is GERALD DEMON
  • My family call me GERALD
  • I am came from Masohi
  • I live at Batas Kota
  • I am fourti years old, and
  • I am hundred fourty cm tall
  • My mother name is SELVI ISAAZ
  • My father name is HERAD DEMON
  • I have one sisther
  • My hobby is a soccer and play station 2


Pencil Sharpener

A : Do you bring pencil sharpener?
B : Yes, (I) bring. Here.
A : I borrow for a moment. Mine is brought by my sister.
B : Ya, just use it.
A : How much did you buy it?
B : Two for one thousand.
A : Oh, not so expensive. Please buy two for me / Can you buy two for me?
B : Yes, this afternoon I will buy it for you.
A : Here is the money. Thank you.
B : You’re welcome.

Peruncing Pensil

A : Apakah kamu membawa peruncing pensil?
B : Ya, bawa. Ini.
A : Aku pinjam sebentar. Punyaku dibawa oleh adikku.
B : Ya, pakai saja.
A : Berapa kamu membelinya?
B : Seribu dapat dua.
A : Oh, tidak begitu mahal. Aku titip beli dua ya?
B : Ya, nanti sore aku akan membelinya untukmu.
A : Ini uangnya. Terima kasih.
B : Terima kasih kembali.

Buying Ballpoint

A : Yesterday I went to Toko 5000 (5000 shop).
B : Toko 5000? What is it?
A : Toko 5000 is a shop which most of the items sold for Rp 5000 atau priced Rp 5000 (five thousand rupiahs).
B : Oh yes? (atau Is it?) I just know. Where is the location?
A : On Gatot Subroto street, not far from my house.
B : What items are sold there (available there)?
A : It’s vary. Starting from school needs, books, papers, ballpoint, and also house tools.
B : What did you buy yesterday?
A : I just bought a dozen of ballpoints.
B : How much?
A : Ya…, Rp 5.000. The name is Toko 5000.
B : One dozen of ballpoints for Rp 5000? So, less than Rp 500 per piece? Is the quality good?
A : Ya.., it’s fair enough/good enough. I bought it/them for me and my brothers.
B : I also want to buy it/them. Can I see one of your ballpoint?
A : Here.
B : Thank you. This afternoon I go there….

Membeli Pulpen

A : Kemarin aku pergi ke toko 5000
B : Toko 5000? Apa itu?
A : Toko 5000 adalah toko yang rata-rata barangnya berharga Rp 5.000,-
B : Oh ya? Aku baru tahu. Di mana lokasinya?
A : Di Jalan Gatot Subroto, tidak jauh dari rumahku.
B : Barang-barang apa saja yang dijual di sana?
A : Macam-macam, mulai dari kebutuhan sekolah, buku-buku, kertas, pulpen, dan juga peralatan rumah tangga.
B : Apa yang kamu beli di sana kemarin?
A : Aku hanya membeli selusin pulpen.
B : Berapa harganya?
A : Ya Rp 5.000. Namanya juga Toko 5000.
B : Selusin pulpen Rp 5.000? Jadi kurang dari Rp 5.00 per biji? Apakah kualitasnya bagus?
A : Ya, lumayan. Aku membelinya untuk aku dan adik-adikku.
B : Aku juga ingin membelinya. Boleh lihat satu pulpenmu?
A : Ini.
B : Terima kasih. Nanti sore aku ke sana.


Dialogue : Making and answering telephone calls

Answering a telephone call:
- Hello (informal)
- This is Mr. Smith residence
- This is 444-5769

Asking for the caller’s identity:
- Who is speaking? (informal)
- Who is talking? (informal)
- Who is this? (informal)
- May I ask who’s calling?
- Who am I speaking to?

Introducing yourself:

- This is Nina (informal)
- This is Amy speaking. (formal)
- This is Sam calling for Sinta. (informal)

Asking to talk to someone:

- Is Danny there? (informal)
- Is Rebecca in? (informal)
- Can I talk to Jack? (informal)
- May I speak with Mr. Robinson, please?

When you make a telephone call, sometimes you are asked to hold so that the person who receives the call can get the person you want to talk to. Here are some phrases to ask somebody to hold:

- Just a second (informal)
- Wait a minute! (informal)
- Hang on a second! (informal)
- Could you please hold?
- One moment, please?
- I’ll get him/her.

Contoh dialog:

Situation: Making reservation for booking a hotel room
Hotel Receptionist = HR
The caller = C

HR : Plaza Hotel, Good morning…Leo’s speaking
C : Ah yes, I want to book 2 rooms for myself and my father.
Could you tell me the cost of a single room per night? 

HR : Certainly. The rate of a single room is $ 40.
When would you like to have them?
C : From the 25th to 28th of February

HR : Arriving on the 25th, leaving on the 28th, three nights?
C : That’s right

HR : Just a moment please.
C : Alright.


Going to Uncle’s House

A : William B : Erick
A : Hello… Erick..!?
B : Oh, hello William.. How are you ?
A : I’m fine. Thank you. How about you ?
B : I’m fine, too. You bring a lot of things. Where do you want to go, anyway ?
A : I want to go to my uncle’s house.
B : Oh, I see.
A : Yes, tomorrow is my uncle’s birthday.
B : Really..!?
A : Yes Erick.
B : And have you buy something special for your uncle?
A : Yes, I have.
B : May I know, what is it?
A : Of course. I bought a very good wallet. Made in Italy.
B : Wow… Your uncle must be happy to receive it.
A : I hope so.
B : By the way, are you alone to go there?
A : Yes, I am.
B : If you don’t mind, I can escort you till there by car.
A : Are you serious…!?
B : Yes, I am.
A : It takes about 2 hours, you know.
B : It’s okay, william.
A : You are very kind to me. Thank you so much, Erick.
B : You are my friend. And don’t be silly.
A : Oh, okay. Please, forgive me.
B : Then, shall we go now?
A : OK.
B : Good. Let’s go now.

Pergi ke Rumah Paman
A : William B : Erick
A : Halloo… Erick..!?
B : Oh, halo William.., apa kabar?
A : Aku baik-baik saja. Makasih. Gimana kabarmu?
B : Aku juga baik-baik saja. Kamu membawa banyak sekali barang. Memangnya mau kemana?
A : Aku ingin pergi ke rumah paman ku.
B : Oh, begitu.
A : Iya. Besok paman ku berulang tahun.
B : Benarkah?
A : Iya, Erick.
B : Dan apakah kamu sudah membeli sesuatu hadiah istimewa buat paman mu ?
A : Iya, sudah.
B : Boleh aku tau apa itu ?
A : Tentu. Aku membelikannya sebuah dompet yang sangat bagus sekali. Buatan Italy.
B : Wow… Pamanmu pasti sangat senang sekali menerimanya.
A : Aku juga berharap begitu.
B : Ngomong-ngomong, apakah kamu pergi sendirian aja ke sana?
A : Iya benar.
B : Kalau kamu tidak keberatan, aku bisa mengantarkanmu sampai ke sana?
A : Apa kamu sungguh-sungguh ?
B : Iya.
A : Bisa memakan waktu selama 2 jam, lho?
B : Gak apa-apa William.
A : Kamu baik sekali. Terima kasih banyak yah Erick.
B : Kamu kan teman ku. Jangan jadi bodoh.
William : Oh, maafin yah.
A : Kalau begitu, apakah kita berangkat sekarang aja?
William : Baiklah.
B : Bagus. Yuk, kita berangkat sekarang.

Roasted Fish
A : Do you like eating fish?
B : Yes, I like salted fish. How about you?
A : I also like eating fish. I like roasted fish.
B : Where do you usually buy it?
A : If I have time, I usually buy it in a small warung/shop on the beach.
B : What time do you usually go there?
A : It opens from 03.00 PM (three o’clock) until about 10.00 – 11.00 PM (ten or eleven o’clock/PM).
B : How much is it?
A : If it’s small / The small one is, around Rp 20.000 (twenty thousand Rupiahs), and the big one is around
Rp 35.000 (thirty five thousand Rupiahs) up to Rp 50.000 (fifty thousand Rupiahs).
B : Is the price including rice and vegetable?
A : Yes, including rice, vegetable, and hot or sweet sauce.
B : How about (the) drink?
A : Drink is not included. You should pay extra for the drink.
B : One day, please take me there.
A : Yes, my pleasure.
B : Thank you.

Ikan Bakar
A : Apakah kamu suka makan ikan?
B : Ya, aku suka ikan asin. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
A : Aku juga suka makan ikan. Aku suka ikan bakar.
B : Dimana biasanya kamu membelinya?
A : Kalau aku punya waktu, aku biasanya membelinya di sebuah warung kecil di pinggir pantai.
B : Jam berapa biasanya kamu ke sana?
A : Bukanya mulai jam 3 sore sampai sekitar jam 10 atau 11 malam.
B : Berapa harganya?
A : Kalau yang kecil, sekitar Rp 20.000, dan yang besar sekitar Rp 35.000 sampai Rp 50.000.
B : Apakah harga itu sudah termasuk nasi dan sayur?
A : Ya, sudah termasuk nasi, sayur, dan sambal pedas atau manis.
B : Bagaimana dengan minuman?
A : Minuman tidak termasuk. Kamu harus membayar extra untuk minuman.
B : Kapan-kapan, ajak aku ke sana ya.
A : Ya, dengan senang hati.
B : Terima kasih.

A : Do you have cat at home?
B : Last time I had, but now no. My mother doesn’t like cat. How about you?
A : I have one male cat. The hair is yellow and white. I like him very much. I often play with him.
B : Do you make a special house for him?
A : No, I don’t make it for him.
B : Where does he sleep?
A : More often outside the house. But, if it rains, in the living room.
B : What do you usually feed him?
A : He likes salted fish. Sometimes I buy special cat food for him.
B : Actually I want to have a cat again, but my mother doesn’t allow/prohibit me.
A : Temporary don’t have it first. Maybe later, if she has changed her mind.
B : Thank you for your advice.

A : Apakah kamu punya kucing di rumah?
B : Dulu aku punya, tapi sekarang tidak. Ibuku tidak suka kucing. Bagaimana dengan kamu?
A : Aku punya satu kucing jantan. Warna bulunya kuning dan putih. Aku sangat menyukainya. Aku sering bermain
B : Apakah kamu membuatkannya kandang khusus?
A : Tidak. Aku tidak membuatkannya kandang.
B : Dimana dia tidur?
A : Lebih sering di luar rumah. Tapi kalau hujan dia tidur di ruang tamu.
B : Apa yang biasanya kamu kasi makan?
A : Dia suka ikan asin. Kadang aku membelikan makanan kucing khusus.
B : Sebenarnya aku ingin memelihara kucing lagi, tapi ibuku melarangnya.
A : Sementara jangan dulu. Mungkin nanti jika ia sudah berubah pikiran.
B : Terima kasih nasehatmu.

Reading a Newspaper
A : Do you often read newspaper?
B : Sometimes. My mother sometimes brings it from her working place.
A : What do you like to read most?
B : I like news most, especially news about other country. Someday I want to go overseas.
A : You should be able to speak English if you want to go overseas.
B : Yes, I will learn it from now.
A : Is there also English lesson in the newspaper?
B : Yes, but very little.
A : Oh ya, what paper do you often read?
B : Pos Kota paper. How about you? Do you also like to read newspaper?
A : Actually I like, but I don’t have newspaper to read. My mother never brings it for me.
B : One day I will bring it for you.
A : Thank you.

Membaca Koran
A : Apakah kamu sering membaca koran?
B : Kadang-kadang. Ibuku kadang membawanya dari tempat kerjanya.
A : Apa yang paling suka kamu baca?
B : Aku paling suka berita, terutama berita tentang luar negeri. Suatu saat aku ingin pergi ke luar negeri.
A : Kamu harus bisa berbahasa Inggris kalau kamu ingin ke luar negeri.
B : Ya, aku akan mempelajarinya dari sekarang.
A : Apakah di koran juga ada pelajaran Bahasa Inggris?
B : Ada juga, tapi sangat sedikit sekali.
A : Oh ya, Koran apa yang sering kamu baca?
B : Koran Pos Kota. Bagaimana dengan kamu? Apakah kamu suka membaca koran juga?
A : Sebenarnya suka, tapi aku tak punya koran untuk dibaca. Ibuku tidak pernah membawanya untukku.
B : Kapan-kapan aku akan membawakannya untukmu.
A : Terima kasih….

Asking and giving help.
Christopher is visiting his classmate Jessica. At this time, Jessica is in the backyard of her house.
Christopher :   Hi, Jess.
Jessica :           Hi, Chris.
Christopher :   what are you doing?
Jessica :           well. I’m planting a rose now. Can you help me get the flower pot over here,                 please?
Christopher :   yes, of course.
Christopher takes the flower pot and gives it to Jessica.
Christopher :   here you are.
Jessica :           thank you, Christopher.
Christopher :   you’re welcome. These flowers are beautiful. Are they all yours?
Jessica :           yes. My mother bought them for me.
Christopher :   oh, I see. By the way, would you like me to water the flowers?
Jessica :           no, thanks. You don’t have to.

Asking and giving help.
Serra :            Stubby, can you do me a favor, please?
Stubby :        of course, what can I do for you?
Serra :            would you be so kind as to take care of my cat. I’m going to Bogor tomorrow to visit my uncle, he is sick; I’ll be there for about two days.
Stubby :        I’d be very happy to take care of your cat, I love cats.
Serra :            great. Thanks
Stubby :        should I bath it?
Serra :            no, it’s not necessary.

Asking and giving help.
Oscar :           Darrel can you do me a favor, please?
Darrel :          of course, what can I do for you?
Oscar :           could you buy some medicine for me? I’m not feeling well.
Darrel :          I think you’ve got caught cold. Don’t worry. I’ll buy you some medicine.

Asking and giving help.
Bhīma :          chow, can you help me please?
Cho hang :    sure! what’s wrong, Bhīma? You look sick.
Bhīma :          I’ve got a headache, and my body feels cold.
Cho hang :    what? Here, I have a thermometer. You have a fever, your temperature is high. I suggest you to see a doctor.

Asking and giving something.
A couple go to the shopkeeper to ask something.
Robert :           excuse me.
Shopkeeper :   yes. Can I help you?
Kristen :           may I have a blue shirt with the design like this red one, please?
Shopkeeper :   yes, of course. I think we still have it in the storehouse. Please wait a minute.
Robert :           yes, thank you.
After a while, the shopkeeper is back.
Shopkeeper :   here you are, sir.
Robert :           thank you.
Shopkeeper :   would you also like a hat, sir? There are several colours, including blue.
Robert :           no, thank you. I don’t like wearing a hat. But we’re very interested in buying some souvenirs you have.
Kristen :           yes, the souvenirs are very pretty. By the way, we’ll pay the shirt later along with the souvenirs, if you don’t mind.
Shopkeeper :   not at all. Please.

Asking and giving information.

Selena and Taylor are in zoo, looking at some birds in the cages.
Taylor :          what’s so special about the birds? Tell me about them.
Selena :         of course, most birds can fly.
Taylor :          do you know that birds can fly?
Selena :         hmmm, ostriches, emus, and the bird from Papua …… what’s its name?
Taylor :          oh cassowary, right?
Selena :         yeah, that’s right. Why are you asking? Do you like birds too?
Taylor :          sure, birds are beautiful. I like peacocks very much.
Selena :         peacocks? With their fanlike tails, right? I like them too.

Asking and giving information.
Mr. Lester is on a summer vocation in a town. He is trying to get to the bank but he doesn’t know how. He is asking someone for the information.
Mr. Lester :              excuse me, do you know where the first national bank is, madam?
Mrs. Summer :        yes. Just go straight down this road and the bank is on your right, sir!
Mr. Lester :              thank you very much, madam. By the way, can you tell me how to get the subway station from the bank?
Mrs. Summer :        sure, you have to take the no. 12 bus and get off in Burbank street. The subway station is there.
Mr. Lester :              are you sure? As far as I know the guide book informs us that we have to take the no. 14 bus.
Mrs. Summer :        you’re right. I confused the no. 14 bus with the no. 12 one.
Mr. Lester :              thank you, madam. Have a pleasant day.
Mrs. Summers :      you’ve very welcome, sir.

Asking and giving opinion.
At a department store in Bali, a tourist from Washington, Miley and Daniel are going to by some clothes.
Daniel :          this store has various items. There are many clothes and souvenirs here.
Miley :           yes, you’re are right.
Daniel :          what do you think about this shirt?
Miley :           mm… but I don’t think red is the right color for you. I think blue will be better.
Daniel :          do you really think so? I think red is nice.
Miley :           actually, I think red is too bright for you.
Daniel :          mm… I guess you’re right.
Miley :           but there is no blue shirt here. Let’s ask to the shopkeeper.
Daniel :          yeah…

Asking and giving opinion.
Victoria :       hi, Kayla. Where are you going anyway?
Kayla :            oh, hi Vic. I’m going to the library.
Victoria :       oh. Hey maybe you can also borrow teen lit or chick lit there?
Kayla :            well, I think that’s impossible, Vic. Because I don’t like those books. In my opinion, the stories are not so interesting and sometime they’re so boring.
Victoria :       I see. According to me, the books are okay. The stories are based on the everyday facts in teenagers life.
Kayla :            then, we have different opinion about it Vic. And I appreciate your opinion.

Asking and giving agreement.
Alexis and all her classmates are going to Disneyland, Paris. Alexsis is chatting with her best friend, Justin.
Alexis :           it’s very exciting today.
Justin :           yes, it is. I’m having so much fun.
Alexis :           which is the most exciting game for you here?
Justin :           well, I must say that roller coaster is the most exciting game. Do you agree with me?
Alexis :           yes, I agree with you. The roller coaster gave me an unforgettable experience. I think I want to ride it again.
Justin :           yes, me too.

In telephone Conversation.
Aiwa  :           hello.
Veronica :     hello. May I speak to Aiwa?
Aiwa :            this is Aiwa. Who’s speaking?
Veronica :     this is Ver. I just want to tell you that I can’t go to Tokyo  with you next week.
Aiwa :            hold on, tell me what’s wrong?
Veronica :     well, my brother is being treated in the hospital for a dengue fever. So I have to stay in Canada for a week.
Aiwa :            oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your brother get well soon. Hey, I know. I can change my ticket to Canada; we can go together, right?
Veronica :     yeah, Aiwa that’s a good idea. Well see you in the air pot.
Aiwa :            see you.

In telephone conversation.
Dean :            hello…! Lucy?
Lucy :             hi, dean. How are you?
Dean :            fine, thanks. I heard you are in London now.
Lucy :             yes. How is in New york, Dean?
Dean :            it’s foggy here, it’s 32 Fahrenheit. How about London?
Lucy :             well, it’s very cold here. It’s  -1degrees Celsius.
Dean :            wow.. that’s very cold.
Lucy :             ok then. I call you later.
Dean :            ok. Bye.

Conversation with a Stranger.
Melanie :       nice day, isn’t it?
The girl :        yeah. The sky is so clear. I love this weather
Meanie :        so do i. We can go everywhere.
The girl :        but I heard the rain will come soon this week.
Melanie :       really? Well. It is the season
The girl :        you are right. Um…. The bus seems to be running late.
Melanie :       I think so. How long have you been waiting?
The girl :        about twenty minutes.
Melanie :       are you in hurry?
The girl :        yeah. I’m in hurry. I must reach the hospital before evening.
Melanie :       ooh, here is my bus. Well, I have to go now. Nice meeting you.
The girl :        likewise.

Conversation with a stranger.
Clara :           hello. It’s hot day today, isn’t it?
Trisha :          right. That’s what I like about Indonesia.
Clara :           do you?
Trisha :          yeah. I can sunbath anytime I want.
Clara :           by the way, is this your first time here?
Trisha :          no, it is my second visit. I like Indonesia.
Clara :           well, I bet you do.
Trisha :          Uhhmm… sorry, I have to go now. Nice talking to you.
Clara :           nice talking to you. Good bye.
Trisha :          good bye.